At Arc of Acadiana, we are driven by a profound mission: to improve the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities, older adults, and veterans. Every day, we strive to create a community where everyone is valued, empowered, and given the...
Imagine being able to live your best life by helping someone else to live their best life. That’s exactly what direct support professionals do every single day. They help people with disabilities live life to its fullest. It’s a career that is rooted in purpose yet...
Most of us want to know that the jobs w#e hold are making a difference in the world. That is the exact purpose of disability services jobs—providing vital services that help people who need them gain or maintain their independence. People who work in disability...
Children with developmental disabilities eventually mature into adults. While having others do things for them was necessary while they were small, adults with developmental disabilities need a greater level of self-sufficiency to be happy. They need to be able to...
Licensed practical nurses find rewarding work in any number of industries—from large hospital or clinical settings to corporate offices that maintain healthcare staffing. While many of these organizations are for-profit entities focused primarily on making money, many...
What is a Direct Support Professional? Put quite simply, the best direct support professionals give the gifts of self-sufficiency and independence to people who really need help gaining them. Often referred to as DSPs, direct support professionals are far more than...